sabato 28 agosto 2010


E' la notte prima della partenza, la mia piccola dorme, le valige credo siano pronte. Io sono pronta?
Oggi sono andata a prendere le scarpe per le mie bimbe che faranno le flower girls. Mi immaginavo il giorno del matrimonio. La mia famiglia, i miei bambini... tutti a celebrare ancora una volta l'amore!! Mi sono venute le lacrime agli occhi. Sembra una banalità, ma al pensiero di tanta felicità mi vengono le lacrime agli occhi...
Domenica parto ... e poi chissà...

In partenza!

In partenza!

lunedì 23 agosto 2010


About Birthspirit

Birthspirit is the wholeness in each of us.

Innately present, deep within us all,

she waits to be discovered as we peel back the cluttering layers of fear

and self doubt that exist in our herstory.

There is no search to be done as she is not lost.

Birthspirit is embodied in ways that reflect the feminine principle.

Her life force, her energy, her power is strongest in women and midwives.

She is most likely to be uncovered at a birth.

Birthspirit belongs to all women and families.

She manifests that which has been unsaid, expressing her self in the language of women.

Knowing her fills the void that exists from the loss of story telling

in our families and our communities.

She enables us to see the depths - and to see the simplicity

venerdì 13 agosto 2010

An opportunity! Un'opportunità!

"Midwifery is an opportunity! The opportunity to change the world from the beginning." (M.V.)

mercoledì 11 agosto 2010

Lotus Birth!

Lotus Birth! Un mito... tutto da imparare, tutto da scoprire...

lunedì 2 agosto 2010

New Zealand Model of Partnership

Partnership is a key concept for the midwifery profession.
New Zealand midwives work in partnership with the woman and her family in a relationship of trust, shared decision making and responsibility, negotiation and shared understanding.
The word midwife means ‘with woman’ and is reflective of the midwife’s role in accompanying the woman on her journey through pregnancy and childbirth into motherhood.
The midwife acknowledges the woman’s autonomy in her own life and respects the decisions she makes for her childbearing experience.
The midwife has a responsibility to share all the available information with the woman and to respect her values and beliefs. This includes working with her to involve her chosen family members.
To reflect the partnership with women the New Zealand College of Midwives welcomes individual consumer members as well as affiliated consumer organisations. All College committees have consumer representation to ensure midwifery services remain woman centred.

Sottolineo WOMAN CENTRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!